The start of Supportec
In 2016, Supportec, name change, grew out of its jacket, the first robot operated full time, the building was too small. Supportec moved to a larger building where further professionalization took place.
The layout of the property and the arrival of a 2nd robot ensured that the operational production is ready for there future. During this period we decided to make the organization Lean, everyone with his/her own responsibilities within the processes and a joint responsibility as a Supportec employee. we decided to intensify the collaboration with Coverworks and entered under 1 name Supportec and Supportec Upholstery.
In addition to looking at the production side. we have been extensively inventorying what we could do for our customers, we have introduced Supportec Order Form Application: SOFA, a digital order-form with which our customers can easily send there scans along with there orders. SOFA ensured that the error margin was minimized and gave a considerable time saving in the administration for both Supportec and the customer.
This dynamic digital software platform has outlined the future plan for Supportec. The largest white label orthotic producer in Europe.
At the moment The Netherlands is still our largest market, with Belgium as a good 2nd.
We are expanding more and more and are in total now active in 10 countries, with the objective of expanding it but also intensifying it. we approach the European market with an individually tailored product manufactured in a series-production way. The sector in which we work ”healthcare” has a different law and regulation in every European country, we have to deal with it flexibly and to find out the right way how we can penetrate those markets. The M.D.R. will regulate production for all the European countries and will be beneficiary to Supportec.